- preventing abusive use of internet
- helping the child to control its time spent on the computer
- fostering Internet Security and controlled use
In the previous chapters the most important prevention measure, that is talking to children about what they are playing on the internet why and how has already been mentioned. These conversations should eventually lead to certain agreements with the child on when, where and how the internet may be used. This should include:
- time regulations: when (e.g. not before exams) and for how long the child is allowed to play and what happens if that timeframe is exceeded.
- installation of security software (antivirus, internet security,…) and settings
- rules of conduct (no bullying, name-calling or discrimination of other players but also informing parents if that should happen to them)
- explaining the choice of games and their rules and aims to parents
Parents should not hesitate to get external help if they have the feeling that the situation is getting out of hand (e.g. excessive playing, no respect of the rules agreed upon,…) and not be ashamed of admitting that they’re overwhelmed by the new developments.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.