Definitions and Types
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying behavior that occurs via electronics devices. The criteria for traditional bullying includes intention, repetition and imbalance of power and for the definition of cyberbullying one can add the additional criteria of anonymity and publicity.
Electronics Devices
Electronic devices and technologies such as mobile phones and/or computer and tablets with access to the internet, can be used to cyberbully others.
Cyberbullying can occur through email, chat rooms, websites, social networks, pictures, photos, videos, text messaging, phone calls, and instant messaging.
The most common cyberbullying behaviors are receiving threatening messages via mobile phone, receiving insulting messages by phone, and, receiving insulting messages by e-mail.
Anonymity and Publicity
In cyberbullying behavior, usually the victim does not know the identity of the cyberbully. Cyberbullying behavior usually also involves a large and public audience.
Cyberbullying that can occur between children and young people is also:
- Provocation, i.e., the use of vulgar and offensive language towards the victim.
- Stalk or harass or sending unpleasant messages.
- Denigration, i.e., disclosure of gossip or lies about the victim in order to damage the image and reputation.
- Embody, i.e., impersonate the victim in cyberspace or use your phone to degrade the relationship with your friends.
- Violating intimacy, i.e., online sharing with others the secrets, information or embarrassing pictures of the victim.
- Exclusion, i.e., excludes the victim of an online group deliberately and cruelly.
- Intimidation, or send insulting, nasty messages that aim to instill fear or intimidation on the victim.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.